Pipe Laser Cutting

One of the most recent services on the market of metal processing offered by Horlovka Metals is laser cutting of pipes and profiles. In the process of laser pipes cutting we produce various technological pipe joints that are used in various industries.

Use of the advanced technique of lase pipe cutting integrates and replaces operations of a range of conventional technological processes –sawing, cutting, drilling, milling, edge working etc.

Pipe Laser Cutting Technology

Cutting of metal pipes with laser is the best option for quality and quick processing of high volume of material. Laser ray of high power is focused on the spot of small diameter, directed at the metal and melts it. Speed of works performance exceeds all the other ways as a laser machine is capable to cut a pipe up to 6 mm wall thickness within a minute. Transition between products is held automatically and without any additional equipment re-setting.

Cutting cleanness at the edge of stainless steel or copper alloy pipes is assured by use of high-precision quality equipment. This parameter is of high importance in production of pipelines, where it determines ability of ready construction to survive high loads and pressure. Ordinary and decorative laser cutting of copper pipes is distinguished by lack of deformations and complete preservation of initial product features as metal is not heated in the course of cutting.

Laser cutting is notable for high quality, at that cutting precision is ensured combined with considerable works performance velocity. Pipe edge does not require further processing, cutting line looks straight and clean.

Other benefits of pipes laser cutting include the following:

  • Cutting of complex, shaped contours without contact with pipe
  • Opportunity to form ball and detachable joints
  • High speed of processing
  • The process of further pipe jointing does not require additional working of pipe of profile cutting surface that is especially important for working corners and ribs of pipe profiles.
  • Thin Wall Pipes Cutting Option
  • Clean slots and openings cutting surface
  • The most diverse slots and joints allow ensuring further non-templated positioning of elements before welding.
  • No thermic deformations
  • Minimal mechanical and thermal influence on metal allows preserving pipes’ surface in perfect condition
  • Allows making bevel at whatever angle
  • The cut pipe may be subject to welding right after the laser machine

One can work round and profile square and rectangular pipes and profile of black metal, stainless metal, and aluminum.

Technical Equipment Capacities

The equipment allows working round and profile square and rectangular pipes with following characteristics:

1. Material:

  • black metal
  • stainless metal
  • aluminum

2. Maximum blank dimensions:

  • for round pipesup to 154 mm in diameter;
  • for profile rectangular pipesup to 154 mm cornerwise;
  • standard rods - 6 m each.

3. Maximum ready part length: 3000 mm

4. Average cutting speed — up to 8 m/hour (the higher the pipe diameter, the lower processing speed)

Cost estimate

Reduction of end product cost is possible due to:

  • lack of need in additional metalworking
  • complete automation of production cycle
  • reduction of time consumption

You can use cost calculator on our web site to estimate your future laser cutting order.

If you have questions regarding the pipe laser cutting process, our managers will be happy to provide you with comprehensive information regarding technical peculiarities of fulfillment of your order and its cost. 

Frequently Asked Questions

In which form is it better to send request for laser cutting estimate?
Please, indicate: whose metal (yours or ours), form of payment, desired deadline in case of urgency, number of parts, whether you need delivery and where to. Of course, indicate contact phone number and responsible person. For our manager to estimate your request quickly and qualitatively, please: 1) Send us part drawing in DXF, only part cutting contour. 2) The part contour should not be performed in spline or polylines !!! 3) All contours of part cutting must be closed. 4) File should not contain anything but for cutting contour (all the marks, axial, additional, frames, bevels, etc. should be taken away). 5) It is very important to have scale 1 : 1. 6) In the file name please indicate the following data: Part name – metal type – metal thickness in millimeters – number in pieces.
What will be the cutting width with laser metal cutting?
The width of cutting of any metal grade on a laser machine is 0,3 - 0,4 mm.
What are the minimum opening sizes (diameters) you can cut?
With a laser machine we can not make openings, diameter of which is less than the material thickness.